WWE 2K20 ran a line “WWE 2K20 Originals” DLC that included zombie, cyberpunk, and 1980s-style variants of wrestlers, several of which had unique entrances. There are also many other random entrances based on DLC versions of characters that weren’t actually based on anything from real life.
For example, Sting technically has different four entrances, with “Venice Surfer” emulating the classic colorful Sting of the early 1990s, “The Icon” emulating his brief WWE run, and so on.
The list of entrances includes a long list of names, many of which have multiple entrances based on different eras of their careers.
Wastleland Creature (Arctic Shield Roman Reigns). Warrior Princess (She-Lady Nikki Bella). Tech Chairwoman (ChairWoman Alexa Bliss). Stunningly Hollywood (Stunning Steve Austin). The Shield’s Lunatic (The Shield Dean Ambrose). Respect The Nation 2 (Nation of Domination Kama Mustafa). Respect The Nation 1 (Nation of Domination Faarooq). Next Generation Of Great (Jason Jordan). The Monster Among Man (Franken Strowman). International Sensation (Hiroshi Tanahashi) Today WWE 2K22 revealed the first look at a new superstar being featured in the game, the R-Rated superstar himself Edge, and you can check out the first look image below. The Hardcore Extreme (Bubba Ray Dudley). Earth’s Champion (“The New” Daniel Bryan). The Dragon ’94 (Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat). The Dragon (Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat). Bludgeon Brother 2 (Bludgeon Brother Erick Rowan). RAW Superstar Edge and former WWE referee Tim White The wrestling world was. Bludgeon Brother 1 (Bludgeon Brothers Luke Harper) Miss ya already - WWE Legend Edge shares emotional message on Tim White s death. Beefcake Barber (Brutus “The Barber” Beefcake). This also still includes a variety of entrances for wrestlers outside the WWE, including Kenny Omega, Britt Baker, and Jay Lethal. Players are still spoiled for choice regarding entrances, with hundreds to choose from.