Supertux 0.6.2
Supertux 0.6.2

supertux 0.6.2

Ice Guy The Crystal Mine Bonus Level Between Two Glaciers Welcome to the Forest Walking Leaves Bouncy Coils Find the Bigger Fish Tree Fortress Up and Down Penguins Don't Grow on Trees A Mouldy Grotto Owl's Revenge Treasure in the Skies Three Sheets to the Wind Down the Rabbit Hole A Ghostly World Light and Magic Shocking Going Underground Crumbling Path Tux the Builder Countercurrent Detour Knee-Deep in the Depth A Village in the Forest A Short Visit to El Castillo Dan Morial Two Tiny Towers Little Venice Duct Ape The Silent Walls Besides the Bushes Like a Leaf in the Wind Owls' Skydive Commando Wooden Roots The Owls Again. Download SuperTux 0.6.3 for Windows free. Bonus Island 3 Bonus Island 4 The pre-v0.6 Forest World (i.e. or is it just me? Ice in the Hole Miyamoto Monument End of the Tunnel A Path in the Clouds A Mysterious House of Ice The Escape Icy Valley The Shattered Bridge Arctic ruins Over the Frozen Bridge The Castle of Nolok No More Mr. Bonus Island 2 Revamp: Vote for your favourite levels We have prepared a survey, where you can vote on which levels you want to see revamped for the new (now forest themed) Bonus Island 2.

supertux 0.6.2


Full Game Leaderboard Category Extensions Level Leaderboard All Welcome to Antarctica The Journey Begins Via Nostalgica Tobgle Road A Fork in the Road The Somewhat Smaller Bath The Frosted Fields Oh no! More Snowballs! Stone Cold Grumbel's Sense of Snow 23rd Airborne Night Chill Into the Stars Above the Arctic Skies Entrance to the cave Under the Ice Living in a Fridge.

Supertux 0.6.2