Forty-eight percent of members went to the gym to attend one group activity, while 32% attended two, and 20% participated in three or more group activities (TRP).
Fitness club members in the UK are more likely to stay if they are part of group activities. 85% of fitness club members visit their facility twice a week to engage in group classes, while 43% visit 4 times a week for the same purpose (AFS Fitness). Offering group classes can also help in member retention as it motivates members to participate in fitness programs. 87% of members who experience a positive onboarding process still remained active after 6 months (Precor).
Member retention starts from the onboarding process.8% of male gym members and 14% of female members quit their gym membership after a year (Noob Gains, 2020).Most gyms lose 50% of their new members within 6 months (IHRSA, 2020).12% of all new gym memberships happen in January (IHRSA, 2020).It is also critical to train staff on interacting with customers to ensure maximum engagement. Gym membership statistics show that when it comes to retaining members, it is important to pay attention to the onboarding process as well as the different classes and services you offer. It also has a lot to do with keeping them. Of course, gym membership is not just about acquiring new customers. The average length of gym membership lasts about 4.7 years (IHRSA, 2020).
In 2018, the total number of visits to gyms in the US was 6.7 billion (IHRSA, 2019). Gym members who are classified as “core users” are the ones who use the gym facilities (equipment and other services) more than 100 times per year and have an income of $150,000 or higher (IHRSA, 2020). Households with an income level of $75,000 above make up the majority of gym members (IHRSA, 2020). Among gym members who actively use their membership, 55.4 million or 63.3% go to the gym at least twice a week, while 14.3 million or 16.34% go to the gym at least once a week (Finder, 2020). It may also be good to note that not all gym members utilize the additional services offered by these facilities, which may signal a need for more affordable services. Among them, many try to squeeze in a workout multiple times a week while some visit less frequently. Who are the gym goers of today? Statistics show that these are often individuals with an income of above $75,000. In third place is Florida with 2,809, fourth is New York with 2,263, and fifth is Pennsylvania with 1,576 (IHRSA, 2020). Among US states, California has the most number of health clubs (5,123), followed by Texas (3,285). The largest race/ethnic group of gym-goers are Caucasian/White and/or non-Hispanic (66.34%), followed by Hispanics (12.78%), and African Americans (12.30%) (IHRSA, 2020). Meanwhile, members under 18 years of age make up 16.10% (IHRSA, 2020). People aged 55 or older make up 22.3% of gym members (IBIS World, 2020). This is followed by the 35 to 54 age group at 30.70% (IHRSA, 2020). Young adults (18-34 years old) are the largest age group who frequent the gym at 60.60%. In 2019, 20.7% of men participated in sports, exercise, and recreational activities every day compared to 18% of women (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2019). Although female gym members are more than half in number, men still get more time to exercise.
As of 2020, 14% of women showed more interest in learning yoga through virtual classes versus 10% of men. Yoga, pilates, and barre are some of the most popular fitness studio activities women tend to join.More than half-50.5%-of gym-goers are now female (IHRSA, 2020). One might assume that majority of gym members are male however, statistics show this is no longer the case.After all, knowing what age group uses the gym most or which gender goes to the gym more is important because it can help business owners fine-tune their services according to the needs of their clientele. One of the most tracked statistics in the fitness industry is g ym membership demographics. General Gym Membership Statistics Gym membership demographics Digital Transformation in the Fitness Industryġ.Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Fitness Industry.