In other words, a bishop can move across the entire board. It can also move more than one square at a time as long as it moves in a straight line.

Unlike a pawn it can move backwards or forwards. How far can a bishop move?īishop: The bishop has the strength of about three pawns and moves diagonally (see figure 3). Each player has a light-squared Bishop and a dark-squared Bishop. Because the Bishop moves diagonally, it may never move to a different color other than the one it starts on. The Bishop cannot jump over pieces and can only capture one piece per turn. The Bishop may move 1-7 squares in any diagonal direction. How many moves can a bishop make in chess? … As a consequence of its diagonal movement, each bishop always remains on either the white or black squares, and so it is also common to refer to them as light-squared or dark-squared bishops. Can bishops jump in chess?īishops, like all other pieces except the knight, cannot jump over other pieces. Diagonally only just as many spaces as desired without jumping another chess piece. Chess rules say that bishops move just like the queen except they can’t move forward, backward, left or right. There are two bishops, always one on a light square and one on a dark square. Which is the only chess piece that can’t move backwards? Bishops capture opposing pieces by landing on the square occupied by an enemy piece. Chess rules state that there is no limit to the number of squares a bishop can travel on the chessboard, as long as there is not another piece obstructing its path. The bishop chess piece moves in any direction diagonally. What directions can a bishop move in chess? The pawns can only move one square forward at a time but 2 squares forward on it’s first move.

Unlike checkers, all the chess pieces have the ability to move backwards with the exception of the pawns.